10 Signs You are a Strong Independent Woman

There has been a great upsurge of strength among people in our generation. Yet, as always, there do remain some who think strength and independence are over-rated. Let me get this one thing straight: If you are strong and independent you owe nobody an explanation as to why. You are a much appreciated species who are highly required on our planet and here's why: 1. You Can Make Things Work: When it comes to getting things done, you can trust yourself. One of the reason why people perceive you to be strong and independent is that you don't require much help to get your dreams to come true. P.S: But when you do, you are forever grateful, because your helpers matter a lot to you. 2. No Excuses: Things need to be done and they need to be done stat. No excuses, no late submissions. You know it is difficult to take on some of those tasks, but if you keep complaining, you'll never get it done. Your iron will is what gets you through these times. Life may be t...