
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Getaway

University life is happening, fast and very very blurry at times. Things happen and assignments make you feel like a useless pile of goo or you meet new people and suddenly your circle is bigger than you can handle.                      Soon you muddle up something and look upon yourself from a distance thinking, "How exactly did I get here?" I'll tell you how.  You thought you could do this. It was just socializing after all. How could it hurt to know a few more people, get engaged in a  few more activities, join a few more clubs, hangout a liiiiittle bit more.                          Go through that again, before you scroll further. I've done all of this and more, slipped as far as I could and tried to find my way back. I'm probably exactly where you are. (Especially if you're still reading through this XD) My chance to Getaway... ...