I wanted to walk to the moon and back For you I wanted to hold your hand in my little palm And walk across the shore in some foreign land I wanted to take a ferry to some distant place with distant dreams and you beside me I wanted to carry your hopes and sorrows and dreams and share them with the world, so they could see You. I wanted to tell many things So many stories, so many tales Of ice cream cones and starry nights and winter breezes and olden sights I wanted to feel you, touch you See you grow. I wanted to support you when you needed me and watch you unfold. I want... I wanted... you. I wanted to go to that movie you said you'd hated but I loved so much I wanted to catch that bus you promised we would but never got on. I wanted to roam around the streets aimlessly and hear you complain again I wanted to have those fights over a call that I thought were necessary and you knew were lame. We've made history together and I want ...