Little things that make you a Writer

This post is for all the writers out there. This is a little piece of me that I'm sure sometime or the other you have found in yourself. No matter where you are, whether you are lost or not in life, whether you're still writing or not, whether you gain appreciation or not, whether you show your pieces to others or not, whether you overcame your blocks or not... this is for you, my dear writer.
1. You look up and you see more than what is:
It's hard to explain, but you know exactly what I mean. You look at a fallen leaf and start thinking about fall and all your memories attached to it and then in no time have you formed prose or a poem in your mind to describe exactly what you feel.
2. It's easy to get stuck:
Sometimes, you just can't let go of that view of the ocean, or that place you went to 5 years ago with your friends, or that dish you tasted the last time you visited your favourite restaurant and so on. You get stuck of the idea of something, or its feel or the way it made you think. You remember songs from when they played for the first time or people, associating them to thoughts, rather than places.
It is so easy to get stuck, to keep obsessing... not because of how fascinating a person, a place or a thing was... but simply because of how it made you feel.

3. To you, each person is a story:
Humans are fascinating little creatures, aren't they? They think they feel, they speak and they learn. Each individual is special because of her/his story. Nobody comes or goes without a tale to tell or a piece of wisdom to share. Each new person is a story, a new puzzle to solve, a new book left to read, a new chapter in your tale.

4. Your soul just can't settle:
Too much time in a place makes you restless. You want to see more, learn more, travel more, meet more people, eat different food, live more, in the little time that you know is simply too less to do all the things you want to do and live all the lives you've already imagined yourself living.

5. Your mind wanders...too often:
You slip in and out of conversations, the space around you is more virtual than real, you drain out the boring and add your own imagination to people, things and places. You have the ability to create, edit and manipulate in your mind. Your mind, my a, a universe in itself that is ever expanding. You couldn't possibly restrain it even if you want to.
People snap you back to the real time but then, it's just so hard to stick to reality, when your imagination can fly and run and modify time and save the world and so much more.

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