8 Things You Can Only Do With Your Closest Friends

Summers are lazy, winters are sleepy and rainy days too risky. You will never get used to the tropical climate in India and the afternoon showers just before the monsoons will drive you crazy at times.

For times like these and for the sake of your sanity, if you are almost in your twenties and still living with your parents just like I am... here are 10 weird things you could do with a friend, just because you can:

1. A hunting you can go:

  • Go food stall hunting
  • Go ice cream parlour hunting
  • Go hunting for the next best place you could double date at
  • Better ...go hunting for inspiration to get up and go elsewhere
There is no end to the kind of exploring you can do, when you have a friend with you. It becomes easier to handle windy roads and unknown crowds, new places and exciting tours.

2. Nap:

There are times when you just want to be alone, but do not want to feel lonely. Weird, I know... but it happens and you know it.

So here's what you can do...
Knock on a friend's door, barge into their room, punch a pillow and just go to sleep. Here's why...
  • Your friend is used to this kind of behaviour from you
  • What's more...it is expected of you by him/her
  • It's more comfortable to know that you'll have food ready when you wake up with a cool drink too ( because Indians are so hospitable)
  • Also your friend knows there's something you need to talk about and is going to be there, just because.

3. Make plans for a movie on an Impulse:

They can't say no. You'll just drag them to some movie hall and make them sit with you throughout it... and they know it.

You get to see the movie with someone you actually like and they get to whine about it till your ears hurt and feel numb. Win-win situation all-in-all.

4. Shopping Spree:

Face it... shopping on your own is never as much fun as shopping with a friend. You guys are going to
  •  try out the most hilarious outfits
  • click crazy changing room pictures that you only share with each other and have promised to take to your grave with you
  • successfully trial and eventually find the pair of jeans that is just right practically everywhere
  • and last but not least... help each other carry your plunder with pleasure.

5. Solve the problem gnawing at your feet:

Talking things out with someone close to you is always a good idea. Nothing good comes out of stewing you head over the same problem a million times. 

So pick up your behind and step into your friend's place to have that conversation about that one thing (usually, a ton of other things too) that is/are bothering you. 

You may be surprised by how understanding your friend can be and may even be able to help him/her in some problem they are stuck with too.

6. Just do it:

Remember that rock climbing expedition you wanted to go on? Or the trip to Manali you have postponing since forever? Or the new haircut you are simply dying to try out but cannot gather the guts to?

Well pick a gutsy friend who you know will be able to talk you into these or even better, accompany you in these or do them along with you and just "do it".

7. Learn Something new:

How best do you enjoy learning something entirely new like a foreign language or picking up cords to a new song on your guitar?

Answer: One crazy friend who is ready to try anything along with you.

8. Take a Walk:

Scientists believe that a 20 minute walk at the start or the end of the day lets you think about everything from different perspectives and analyse various solutions to a single problem.

But when you have a friend along with you, it just adds more ideas into the same equation.

Never underestimate the power of true friendship. From a gloomy day to the best adventure you've ever had, it is a solid good friend who you will always have by your side. 


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