She... Is an Oxymoron

She is an oxymoron
Sometimes she appears like the evening breeze...
Soothing, flowing, light and fluffy
Passes you by with a subtle touch and a sly grin
Lifts your spirits and makes you smile

Other times she could be a wild storm
Windy with thunder in her eyes and lightning in her movements
Like a dark cloud descending or a strong gale blowing

It's almost as if someone flipped a coin
She turns from a mellow cat to an angry striving tigress in seconds an oxymoron

Sometimes I find myself wanting to simply lose myself in those eyes...
Those pools of wonder...another world altogether
Other times I'm scared by the rampant rage in them...
The raw hunger...the need to be more

Sometimes I feel like I've caught up to her, you know?
Like I've made it to the top of the mountain...
Conquered what I thought I couldn't

It is then that she turns and suddenly I'm
She becomes this force of nature...
This beautiful, uncontrollable, unpredictable mass of energy
Like a wave ready to crash...without a care for what and whom it consumes

Do I love her?
How do I explain this...
I want her, I admire her...
She scares me and yet fascinates me
She... is an oxymoron

Oh I could go on and on...
Till I couldn't anymore
Am I obsessed? Am I fixated?
You wouldn't understand this...
Until you met her

I want to see life like she does
I want to live in panacea one moment and on the edge in the next...
Like she does
Except I don't think I can...
She pulls it off like she was born to do it
Maybe she was...

She is this mystery I can't solve
This unending puzzling maze
Sometimes hot sometimes cold
She my love, is an oxymoron.


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